One of my early childhood memories of food was eating steaming hot porridge for breakfast, mum saying ‘take from the edges’ because it was too hot to eat, ‘and blow’… Porridge cooked on the fire, topped with melting butter, brown sugar and ground cinnamon, thick, creamy and delicious with a...
Cherries are one of my most favourite fruits..the sweetness and slight tartness make them perfect little flavour bombs.. Childhood memories of waking up on Christmas morning and discovering stockings that were filled with numerous little treats to snack on, cherries and lychees featured heavily, cherries were my favourite part, munching...
If you’ve been eating plant based for quite sometime, or read popular cookbooks on the topic I dare say you’ve come across Raspberry Chia seed Jam, and if not well you’re in for a treat with this recipe and please by all means search out the Raspberry version. Blueberries are...
Do you often get stuck in a breakfast rut? Sometimes it’s hard to change things up (tea and toast I’m looking at you), but it’s so worth it when you can manage to step out of the routine and try something a little different. This recipe for overnight chia and...